Step 1 from 13

Create or extend account

Register your accommodation today with and receive new bookings from travellers all over the world.

Sign up

Create a new account

You are an owner or operator of a property and are registering with for the first time.

Register now

Add another property

You are an owner or operator of several properties and have already registered with with one of your properties.

Extend now
Step 2 from 13

Identity verification

First we need to make sure you are eligible to register your property with using your existing Nightsbridge data.

User information
Step 3 from 13

General information

Okay, let's start with the most important details about your Accommodation.

Accommodation information
Step 4 from 13

Contact details

Please check and complete your data, which is stored in your Nightsbridge account.

Contact information
Step 5 from 13

Location details

Tell us a little bit more about the location of your accomodation and where exactly it is.

Direction info
Safari relevant location
Airports nearby
Step 6 from 13

Accommodation information

We would like to know what makes your Accommodation so special and what your guests can expect from the surroundings. You are also welcome to add pictures of your property (please no pictures of the rooms).

Google Reviews

Enter your accommodation name into the search field and select it from the suggestions. It looks up your google business account. If you don't have a google business account you can skip this step.

Select your highlight images and move them via drag & drop

Format images: JPG, JPEG, PNG-Size limit: 5 MB

More information
Step 7 from 13

Terms and conditions

The T´s and C´s for everyhone who´s staying at your accommodation.

Child policy
Cancellation and deposite policy

Step 8 from 13

Rooms information

Let's get to the most important part: your rooms for an unforgettable stay of your guests. Let's get to the most important part: your rooms for an unforgettable stay of your guests. Tell us more about your rooms.

Format images: JPG, JPEG, PNG-Size limit: 5 MB | Format-video: MP4, MOV- Size limit: 50 MB

If you want to add an additional room please do this in your Nightsbridge account.

Step 9 from 13

Social channels

We are also happy to integrate your social media with Would you like to tell us on which channels you can be found online?

Step 10 from 13


Are there perhaps one or more properties in your area that you cooperate with? This way we can distribute larger groups among several properties so that no one goes away empty-handed. Let us also know, if you offer volunteer programs - so we can promote this for you.

Step 11 from 13

Commission handles all payments for you - we only charge a commission based on the successful bookings we generate through our website.

Please choose the commission plan for your listing



  • Basic listing only

Most popular




  • Same features as Basic
  • Highlighted listing
  • Mentioning in newsletters
  • Integration of social channels on your property landingpage



  • Same features as Standard
  • Premium highlighted listing on
  • Mentioning on our social media
  • Marked as recommendation in specific category

Safe 5% discount on your commission rate

for the first 6 months by completing your registration before 12.05.2024

Please note: By registering and listing with, you agree that we may use your uploaded images and video for promotional purposes.

Step 12 from 13


How may we pay you in the future? You can currently choose between PayPal and classic bank transfer. Please send a separate invoice for each booking to in order to get paid. Please note: Queries must be made directly via

Please select payment methods:
Rolling out the red carpet

Well done,
you are now a safarican.

Thank you for registering your accommodation with

  • Activate or deactivate your account in your dashboard
  • Change and add information at any time
  • Set up users and rights for administration